What are classical nude boudoir portraits?

Simply put, they are images captured of you in a full or partial state of undress. The human form has inspired artists for millennia and continues to do so. So it makes sense that many people want to have images of themselves that show their unclothed figure. Boudoir nude images can be intimate and sensual, yes, but they are also a powerful way of celebrating the body you live in.

Boudoir Portrait with Fabric Drape Styling: boudoir nude

What do I wear for nude boudoir photos?

While the answer might seem to be ‘nothing’, the truth is you don’t necessarily need to be fully nude for your nude portrait session. Boudoir nude portraits offer a surprising degree of flexibility. And keep in mind that ‘nude’ doesn’t have to mean ‘exposed’.

If you wish to have portraits which show your entire form nude, then, yes, you will need to be fully nude.

But fully nude isn’t the only option for classical nude boudoir portraits. You might not wish to reveal your entire body for the camera, in which case, you may be able to wear some garments. Posing, lighting and even fabric or accessories can conceal anything you don’t wish to show.

boudoir nude

You can also choose to have one specific area or body part photographed nude. This iconic painting, from the early 19th century, is a great example of how nudity can be very revealing and intimate while still preserving privacy.

Beauty Revealed painted by Sarah Goodridge

But keep in mind even if you choose a fully nude portrait session, you can still use things like fabric drapes or partially removed clothing. In fact, boudoir nude images often involve drapes or strategically placed attire to add drama.You can see in the image below how a  boudoir nude portrait doesn’t have to mean completely uncovered and exposed!

boudoir nude

How do I know if nude boudoir images are right for me?

Maybe you want to do something to celebrate yourself, either because you’ve hit a milestone or life goal or just because. Or maybe you’d like to give intimate images of yourself to someone special. Or perhaps you’ve seen other classic nude portraits and wished you had sat for something similar. If some or all of these sound like you then a classical boudoir nude session is for you.

It sounds great but I’m still not sure. The idea of being naked makes me feel anxious.

boudoir nude: Boudoir portrait of a nude woman

That’s understandable! Being unclothed in front of the camera can feel scary. The good news is that you can have an amazing boudoir session without nudity.
Remember that your portrait session is about you and what YOU want. No matter what style of boudoir or portrait session you plan, you get to decide what you wear, how much you show (or don’t show) and you get to pick the ‘vibe’ for your images.

Another way to have nude images captured is with bodyscaping. You can learn more about this dramatic, artistic form of boudoir portraiture here.

What if I change my mind about a nude portrait session?

As with all sessions, the comfort and well-being of the client is the priority. A classical boudoir nude session might sound awesome but if the moment comes and you’re not feeling it, no worries. We’ll scrap it and move on with your shoot.

What you wear (or don’t) ultimately depends on your goals and preferences for your session. During your boudoir portrait consultation, Ben will talk with you about the types of images you’d like to create as well as your comfort level with nudity, so there won’t be any surprises when it’s time for your session.

What will I do with my boudoir nude images after my session?

Like other portrait images from your session, how you choose to enjoy your nude images is up to you. You can have them collected in an album or book, on their own or with other images from your session.

You can also frame them and hang them, either as a large statement piece or within a grouping of smaller images.

And, of course, if you’d like, you can always share your images digitally. You can ask for a ‘social media’ edit. That just means any body part not allowed to be shown on the platform will be lightly and tastefully obscured to ensure the overall image will pass inspection.

Can I do nude photos as part of my boudoir session?

Absolutely! We can do multiple looks during your boudoir portrait session. You may choose to do a classic fabric draped set, lingerie, nude and bodyscaping, or any combination during your session. As we plan your session we can talk through all of the options you’d like to do, including what you’ll wear for each and what your comfort level is

But don’t worry – if the mood strikes during your boudoir portrait sitting, you can always add other boudoir portrait styles!

Want to know more about Boudoir & Classic Portrait Sittings?

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