Model Call

Thank you for your interest in working with me in my studio!

My goal is to stretch and grow as an artist, creating both images and videos for my website, social media, and more, and to create beautiful pieces of art. 

I am inspired by classic art and sculpture and will share some of the artworks that inspire me on this page. If my style of work, and/or the inspiration shared here is something you would be interested in being a part of, please fill out the contact form below.

Please note: filling out the contact form does not guarantee you will be selected for a project. This is also the beginning of my collecting contact information for models for work now and in the future.

Styling for the session:

The styling for the session will depend on the concept Ben is working with and what he hopes to achieve with the images.

Typical session styles may include formal attire, contemporary attire, lingerie, nude, and fabric drapes.

The specific style for your shoot will be discussed in advance so you know exactly what to expect and what to bring. Depending on the design and concept, you may be asked if you have pieces in your own wardrobe that fit the shoot concept.

Hair and makeup

Some sessions may include a hair and makeup artist. In other situations, you may be asked to style your own hair or do your own makeup. Hair and makeup goals will be discussed in advance during the session pre-planning so you’ll know exactly what to expect.


Images for the session:

Ben will make the decisions on what images from the session are edited and released.

You will receive a web-resolution version of any images Ben releases and you’ll be tagged and credited when possible and appropriate.

The session will likely generate more images than Ben chooses to edit and release. If there are images that Ben does not select for editing, you’ll have the option to purchase those as edited digital or print files.

If you share images from the session on social media, you should tag Ben and the makeup artist (if there is one) in both the image and in the description of your post.


Session Fine Print:

You will be required to sign a model release before the session begins.

You must be 21 years or older.

Behind-the-scenes photos and video will be created during the shoot for potential use in marketing, social media, or other promotional or archival purposes.


The goal of these creative sessions is to create images that showcase both Ben’s and the model’s talents. The standard portrait session fee is waived for a creative shoot and you will be given digital web-resolution copies of all images Ben selects and edits from the session which you may use for your own social media or promotional purposes.
You will also be given the option to purchase images from the session if they are not images initially selected by Ben for editing and release.

You will have the option to purchase prints of the images Ben edits and releases at a discounted rate.

A Sampling of  Ben’s Inspiration

Model Application

Awards & Accreditations 

Awards and Distinctions for Ben Marcum

Follow Louisville Photographer, Ben Marcum, On Social Media